Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Of which to be thankful

Thanksgiving is a week from tomorrow. That makes me very excited, since this year especially we will have a large family gathering and I am immensely looking forward to seeing everyone! In that spirit, today I am thankful for:

-Hot chocolate, in a very cold November in Pullman.
-Cheerleaders and dancers who are more than willing to carry things for their pregnant coach.
-A husband who, despite being sick, works extremely hard and cooks for me.
-An easy, "low-risk," trouble-free pregnancy. Praise God!
-A savior who loves me regardless of my sins and failures.
-Decaf Eggnog Lattes from Starbucks, and some friends who gave me a gift card.
-A few days off next week.
-My last 10 days of being 27. :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

A little something to share

I read a lot of stories online, most of which are either sent to me or linked from one of my blogs. This one is pretty long, so you'd need some time to read it, but it is a very touching true story about a man and his autistic son who were swept into the sea while swimming.

I love the ocean, but also think it's one of my Top Three Scariest Things.

Friday, November 6, 2009

It's A Boy! And other bits and pieces

We found out this morning that our baby is a boy! A big boy, by the way, who has a rather large head. That will be fun to push out...

Everything looked great on the ultrasound, and I feel really good. My favorite part was that we got to see baby boy yawn twice during the ultrasound. Very cute. Got my H1N1 shot today, and have a sore throat to prove it. :)

Just some pictures to update - here's me at 19 weeks (today I'm 20 weeks) and my cheerleaders in the Alamo Bowl as we played Notre Dame in San Antonio last week.