Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall Family Fun

1. Reeeelaaaaaaxed on Friday night.

2. Moscow Farmer's Market with a friend on Saturday morning. It's definitely "late Fall" now, because it was COLD and RAINY and the wares for sale have started to dwindle. Mostly gourds, apples, root veggies, and potatoes. But even the rain couldn't damper the fun and enthusiasm I feel about going to the market on Saturday mornings. This time we got to go with my friend Kathy.

3. Back home for a nap and some chores.

4. Idaho Vandal Football at the Kibbie Dome. They trounced New Mexico State and Isaac made it all the way to the 4th quarter before "losing it."

5. Jeremy gets home from working the game and I take off for Craft Night with the girls. I stayed out until 11:00 - which is scandalously late for me!

6. Church on Sunday morning - a huge blessing hearing about a mission trip to Ghana.

7. Back home for a nap and some laundry.

8. Coffee date with a girlfriend at Starbucks.

9. Went with above girlfriend to see the Eugene Ballet's performance of Cinderella. It was very good, but we had some distracting 4-year-old girls directly in front of us who could NOT sit for more than 10 minutes at a time. Ah well. They were pretty cute, decked out in princess Halloween costumes!

I'm loving this Fall so far.

Friday, October 22, 2010

I heart fall

It's been a long time since I posted here. But I'm at peace with that, because my five readers know that I'm busy. But I really enjoy documenting our little life, so here are some bullets about what's been going on with us lately:

* Isaac is so fun. Exhausting, stretching, character growing hard work, but SO FUN. Here is a fabulous post on motherhood written by These Little Moments. I think she sums up life with a little baby really well.

* Isaac wakes us up every day with a chorus of grunting and moaning combined with babbling. We always say "there's that gremlin again." This morning he was in his crib chatting to his stuffed gray kitty.

* Early fall has been glorious here on the Palouse. So pretty, with cool mornings, and warm, sunny afternoons. The leaves in our front yard are falling like crazy, just like every year, but the sweet neighbor girl raked them up yesterday for a nominal fee. She's very industrious.

* Jeremy got a new phone - an HTC Evo, and I'm quite jealous. (drama-queen warning) Also he's still trying to figure it out so I don't really talk to him anymore.

* Isaac has begun army-crawling. (see how I'm breaking up the baby talk with other things? I'm so well-rounded. ha.)

* The new job is good. My favorite thing about it is that at 4:30 every day, I just forget about it completely until 8:00 the next morning.

* Isaac had his first fever (brought on by teething, along with a nasty diaper rash. Thank you, Internet, for helping me stay calm and explaining symptoms) of 101.6, which only lasted a couple hours. Poor thing, but he seems to be all better now. I did enjoy the extra snuggling while it lasted!

* The Phillies are down 3-2 in the NLCS, which makes for extra-tense evenings in our house. :)