Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Movies in 2009 - so far, so good!

The last few months, Jeremy and I have been procrastinating on movies we'd like to see. We wait and wait and then when we finally decide to go see a movie, it's no longer playing in the theater. This happened with both Marley and Benjamin Button. So now I guess we wait until we can rent them. Oh, well.
So last week I decided to be proactive and see the movies we were interested in RIGHT AWAY. I went with a group of girlfriends to Bride Wars, not expecting much, just some cute actresses and lots of silliness. Bride Wars was that, but it was also, surprisingly, a pretty good flick! I even got into it enough to cry at the end.
Then, Jeremy and I had 'date night' and went to see Slumdog Millionaire. I thought it was one of the best, most well-made, beautiful, depressing, uplifting (yes, I know that doesn't make sense) movies I've seen in years. I absolutely recommend it. I love the way they tell the story. I know it's only January, but this is my "must-see" movie of 2009 so far.

1 comment:

jessiparkert said...

Slumdog does rock, and it really is a hard movie to explain to people especially the emotions. Thanks for the info on bride wars, my friend and I have been debating spending the money, but now I think we will go.