Monday, September 21, 2009

Only six months left

Here is a picture of our little bun in the oven! :) He/she is due on March 26th, which is just about perfect if you ask me, and now I just have to be patient. I think I'll start showing soon, but the pregnancy has been fairly easy for me (thank God) so far. More on that soon. :)
Besides being knocked up, work is just crazy busy, as we finished three weeks in a row of home football games. Thankfully we have two weeks off from games, but I am flying to LA on Friday to help chaperone for our game against USC. They'll be sufficiently pissed off, from their embarrassing loss to Washington this weekend. Yikes!


Chad and Cate Kuhlmann said...

Congrats again! I'm so happy for you two, and march is perfect. Spring is the best!

The Olsons said...

Only six months left?!

You're going to be saying that at "only six weeks left" and its going to feel like six months ;)

We are so happy for you two! :)

I'm glad you're feeling good and its been pretty easy for you so far! :) Thats great!!

JMcCarrell said...

Hi Ivy! I found the link to your blog through FB and loved reading about all the exciting things going on in your life. Brings back memories and makes me miss you! I added you to my RSS feeds so keep up the blogging. Maybe I can count as reader number 4 or 5? I want to hear all about your pregnacy.

-Jennifer McCarrell

Ivy Wang said...

Jennifer - thanks for your encouragement! I miss you too! Glad to have 4 or 5 readers! ;)