Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Your source for all things pregnancy :)

1) I watched a rerun of Dr. Phil the other day, where he spent an hour talking about stay-at-home v. working mothers. I can honestly say I agree with everything he had to say on this, a very polarizing issue! He featured Heather Armstrong, writer of Dooce.com, as a guest expert, and hers is a website I read quite often. It's poignant, but also a little bit heavy on the language, so there's your warning. It's interesting to me that women who are probably quite intelligent, loving, level-headed people can so completely lose their heads over this issue! I'll give you a clue - there is no one-trick solution for every family. You gotta make it work how you can make it work! :)

2) Last Thursday, for the first time, someone recognized that I am pregnant without my telling them (my dental hygienist, who I see every six months like clockwork). I definitely have a belly, and have been utilizing the rubber-band on the jeans technique almost every day. Picture below.

3) Found out that baby can hear us now. His/her ears are functioning, and I should really start feeling movement soon (I have thought I felt something once or twice, but wasn't totally sure).

4) We'll find out if we're having baby boy Wang or baby girl Wang on Nov. 6th, as long as the ultrasound is clear. My bet? Boy.
Here's me at 17 weeks (on Sunday). Still getting used to the automatic setting on the camera. Can't figure out the right moment to smile - ha! :)


Chad and Cate Kuhlmann said...

Your cute! I felt claire at 17 weeks for the first time but it's hard to figure it out...what your feeling is probably it! enjoy it

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I love that little baby!!!