1. USB memory card adapter - Because you never know when you will need to put some photos onto your computer! It looks so beat up because I've been carrying it around for 2 years!!
2. Dental floss - has come in handy more than I every would have imagined (think pineapple, popcorn at the movies, steak/broccoli/lettuce from a restaurant, etc!)
3. Tide to go - I guess that's not so random, because lots of women carry one, but mine is unique because it's there for messy Ivy, not messy kids.
4. Artificial nail glue - classy, huh? I also use it as superglue when stuff breaks.
5. A very cute, very NOT functional fake Chanel wallet - I bought this for ten bucks at an outdoor market in L.A., and in retrospect should have investigated it much more fully. Problems: 1) there's no pocket for coins, so they're flying all around the inside of my purse and of course I can never find them when I want them. I even resorted to putting them in a ziplock bag. Classy, Ivy, classy. 2) the wallet is constructed badly, so I can't even keep my cards in the slots, because I can't get them out on demand. Jeremy calls this the "Law of Diminishing Returns." I wonder when I'll give up and revert back to the old wallet? We'll see!
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