This is not meant to be a political blog (or religious, or otherwise) but it is my blog, and this new Ben Stein movie is very intruiging to me. When I was at Western, I had to take science "gen ed" courses, and since I was no good at chemistry or physics, I took the Biology series (Bio 101, 102, 201, and 420). Most people know that Western is generally a liberal school, so I knew full well that I would be taught Darwin's Evolution as truth in these classes.
What I did not know (and it was never mentioned) is that Neo-Darwinism is a theory that has not even come close to being proven. Once, in my Bio 102 class, a Christian student stood up at the end of a lecture and mentioned this, and asked that if anyone was interested in a dialogue on the subject, that they were holding a meeting that evening. I didn't go - mostly out of laziness. However, even I paid enough attention in high school science to know about Scientific Method - a theory must be demonstrated by observation and experimentation to prove the hypothesis true!
There is a University of Idaho Microbiology professor who is a member of my church and an outright defender of Intelligent Design. He gets flown all over the country to speak at trials and seminars, and he is openly ostracized at work. The church prays for him a lot, because when he began his career, he did not intend to be a champion of Intelligent Design, but since he has stood up for what he beleives, he has no choice. (He's even on Wikipedia!) Anyway, it's good to be challenger of authority, especially if you beleive in what you're saying. That's what free speech is all about!
Did you see Ben Stein's movie yet? I'm still looking for it here in Spokane......
No, haven't seen it yet. I doubt if it'll be in Pullman/Moscow. Probably have to wait for a DVD.
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