Thursday, April 17, 2008


I'm a novice golfer. Very novice. I like golf because I can hang out with my husband/girlfriends, have a nice walk in a sunny park, and play a game. What I don't like about golf is that I stink at it. I'm no pro-athlete, but usually when I try different sports (like softball or volleyball) I can be moderately successful. However, golf requires so much accuracy and practice that I just get frustrated. It's only cute to be the crappy girly golfer for so long. This being my second year, I feel like I should have improved. Friends try to give me constructive criticism, but they're no pros themselves, so I don't really get better. Oh, and I'm slow, too. Groups of golfers pass me at least three times while I golf 9 holes.

What I really need is a lesson. My goal is that by the time the amazing new WSU golf course opens up, I can play it without feeling like too much of a doof. So maybe I'll stop my bellyaching and cough up the cash for a lesson. But all in all, I'm excited to golf this year! Now I just need the weather to be a little more consistent...

1 comment:

jessiparkert said...

I am pretty sure that no one is really "good" at golf. The pros just have a lot of luck. I have been playing for many years, and one day I will play well, and the next day I will have more mulligans than actual shots. Good luck! Its a great game!